Crisis Management

For a long time, crisis management was the special discipline – today it is a daily task.

Covid crisis and the travel restrictions, uncertainty due to the Ukraine war, climate crisis, energy crisis, supply chain issues, high inflation, shortage of skilled workers, demographic change. The list is long. Priorities are hard to set. Short-term pushes ahead of long-term. The severity of each crisis is thus not assessed.

The question of how we face the crises is justified. The answer is – no surprise – multifaceted. But necessary, because crisis management has one goal: reliability.

We want to be reliable. Reliable towards our employees, towards our customers, towards our suppliers, towards the environment.


We have a great team. The last few years and months have shown that we can accomplish a lot together. This gives us confidence and security and trust in ourselves. And not to be underestimated, the internal processes already work pretty well.

Covid crisis and the travel restrictions

Meanwhile, we work flexibly, mostly out of the office. But remote also works smoothly. We have invested in a newly designed conference room for optimal video conferencing worldwide. With our virtual showroom application, we have taken an innovative step towards metaverse. Important processes have now also been digitized. We will continue to work here and make even more service simple and practical digitally. All employees are vaccinated or recovered.

Energy crisis

We are currently planning in detail how we can continue to produce even if gas becomes scarce and expensive. We can also generate production heat through electricity. E.g., heat blankets, which have been tested in on-site repairs, can also be used to heat larger workpieces.

High inflation

Our extensive storage capacity enables us to keep our quotation prices stable. It is important to us that quotations retain their validity. This contributes to planning reliability and greatly simplifies the purchasing process with our customer partners. We do not want to give any room to real inflation.

Supply chain issues

We have taken precautions and filled our warehouses. This gives us flexibility for the foreseeable future and enables us to respond quickly to the need for new valves, replacements or conversions. The high vertical range of manufacture in our company is a further guarantee of stability. We want to make ourselves independent of external influences and work closely with local partners who have been associated for a long time with us as suppliers. In this respect our long-term partnerships are paying off.

Insecurity due to war

We do not wish to comment here on the enormous tragedy of this senseless war. Our thoughts are often with those who have to deal with this fanatical aggression, fearing for their lives and the loss of their loved ones. We are in exchange with our partners in Russia and Ukraine. Other important markets are Asia and the Middle East. On the procurement side, we focus on local and European markets.

Shortage of skilled workers

When skilled workers are rare, you have to make your own contribution. We have been pursuing this approach for a long time and provide training. We currently have six apprentices in all areas of the company. We always take on this responsibility with the aim of retaining our trainees in the longer term and giving them exciting prospects in our internationally active company. The results are impressive. Through our own commitment to training, we are able to compensate for generational changes and normal fluctuation and offer the stability in service that our customers value so highly.

Climate crisis

Coal energy and nuclear power are currently experiencing a renaissance, which will help to alleviate the energy crisis. It is important to invest in the modernization and optimization of plants and to reduce environmentally harmful emissions. Modern control valves and their optimized operation can make an important contribution. Our service team will be happy to advise you on this subject,

Our conclusion: We wish you and us more peace and quiet again. However, we suspect that this will not come easily in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, we suspect that the challenges will become increasingly greater. We are therefore pleased that we are well equipped as a company and have learned to respond to new crises calmly and with foresight.